Wednesday, April 20, 2011

1. Computer Forensics

Computer forensics is a relatively new discipline that involves the scientific study of computer evidence in legal cases.  People who do this must collect and analyze computer data from PCs, networks, wireless networks, and storage devices.  The collected evidence must be used within the legal framework of the court of law, and therefore must follow strict legal guidelines.  There is no real standard for this across different legal systems yet because the discipline is still new, and therefore it is not considered a "formal" discipline.

Computer forensics can be used to protect the information that is stored on a database by organizing and strengthening the infrastructure of a network.  This means of security can even be used to track down someone who has hacked information and prosecute that person within a legal framework.  Computer forensics can also be used to manage money manage the finances of businesses safely and securely.  It can be used to manage the data safely and make sure that the information can be safely protected against hackers.  If a hacker is caught in either of these instances, the defense information must be presented properly so as to eliminate the risk of losing information that has been stolen.

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